Lomond Hills


Grooming Australian Labradoodles is actually very easy, providing that you keep on top of it and do a thorough job each time. If you let the coat care slip however, it can become a nightmare very quickly - so make sure you schedule some time every week to keep it in check.

Regular Brushing

When grooming your Australian Labradoodle's body, the first tool that you should use is a slicker brush. Groom through the coat thoroughly, following the natural direction in which it grows. Start at the bottom of the legs, and work up towards the head. Once you think you have got any matting out, use a steel comb to check. Make sure that you are getting right down through the entire coat to the skin. If you haven't got all the way down, revert back to the slicker brush again and repeat the process until the coat is matt and tangle-free. If you fail to get down through all the coat to the skin, the coat will 'felt' underneath which is very uncomfortable. The only way that it can be corrected is by having your poor Australian Labradoodle clipped right down to the skin... you have been warned - please don't let it happen!

For an adult Australian Labradoodle, you should allow 30-45 minutes twice per week for brushing time.

1 - Standard Slicker Brush
2 - Metal Comb with Wide and Narrow 'Teeth'
3 - Activet Gold Slicker (single/double head) – expensive, but worth every penny in our opinion!


Since Australian Labradoodles don't shed their coat, they do need to be clipped regularly. How often you have your Australian Labradoodle clipped should depend on coat type, the kind of lifestyle you lead, and your personal preferences, but four times per year is something to aim for. When you bring your Australian Labradoodle to the groomers, ask them if they have clipped any Australian Labradoodles before and if they know how to do it properly! We have heard quite a few stories where people have had their poor Australian Labradoodle returned to them looking like a Poodle! Tell your groomer that you want a 'teddy bear' clip. The coat should loosely follow the shape of the body - it is a very relaxed and natural look - not 'perfect and preened'. Show your groomer some photos from our website so that they know exactly what the 'finished article' should look like. The groomer should also take care of the nails and pluck the ears.

ALAA Australian Labradoodle Grooming Demo

Ear Plucking/Cleaning

Australian Labradoodles have hair that grows inside their ear canal. It is absolutely essential that you remove this hair on a regular basis. It is very simple and straightforward to do as long as you keep on top of it and don't let it get out of control. Once a month, have a look inside the ears to check for hair growth. If there is any hair in the ear canal that needs removed, put a little ear grooming powder in the middle of the ear. Pat the powder down gently with your finger then pop the puppy on the floor for five minutes to give the powder enough time to get to work. This powder opens up the pores and also ensures that the hair is dry so that you can get a firm grip on it. Then, very gently, between finger and thumb, tease the hair out slowly a little at a time. This is obviously not the most pleasant of things for you Australian Labradoodle to put up with, but they will soon get used to it and it is much better than the ear infections that could occur if this procedure wasn't done properly and regularly. If your puppy wriggles or complains, you must persevere as it is very important, and you cannot teach your puppy that every time he complains, he will get what he wants! Search 'dog ear plucking' on Youtube for helpful videos. We will demonstrate ear hair removal at the Puppy Party.

After plucking the ears, it is good to use an ear cleaning solution to remove excess wax and dirt from the ear. You just need to put some ear cleaning solution in each ear canal and massage the outside of the ear leathers for about 20 seconds. Then let go of your dog... he will shake his head from side to side - this loosens all the wax and dirt. Take some cotton wool and wipe all the dirt and wax out of the ear. This will keep them clean and fresh.

1 - We use Bio Fresh Ear Grooming Powder.
2 - We use Warren London Instant Ear Cleaner.

We keep a stock of both of these products so you can order directly from us to pick up at your Puppy Collection Visit.


You will want to take a round-ended pair of scissors to trim your Australian Labradoodle's eyes and under their tail between your trips to the professional groomer. You should trim the inside corners of the eyes and across the bridge of the nose. You can also use thinning scissors to thin out the bangs/fringe. The area under your dog's tail should be kept nice and short; if you keep it short, they will take care of the rest themselves!

1 - Round Ended Scissors
2 - Thinning Scissors


Australian Labradoodles don't need bathed regularly. Their non-shedding coats have naturally occurring essential oils and lanolin and regularly bathing should be avoided as it strips out these oils. If your Australian Labradoodle gets very muddy, give the mud time to dry and then brush it out with a slicker brush. If he rolls in something very smelly though, please give him a bath! If you are going to bath your Australian Labradoodle, brush through the coat thoroughly first. If you do it the other way around, any matting will be set hard by the bathing process.

Australian Labradoodle Puppy Grooming Schedule

Once per month
Check the ears for hair growth inside the ear canal. If there is a build up of hair, remove this with your fingers and Bio Groom Ear Grooming Powder as demonstrated on collection day. Your groomer and/or vet will be able to help you with this if you are struggling, but it is essential that this is done religiously to prevent ear infections.
2 months old
Gentle grooming with a slicker brush 2-3 times per week. This is primarily to get them used to the process of being brushed. Each grooming session will likely take you around 10 mins. This will make grooming easier for you for the next c. 15 years!
3 months old
Continue grooming with the slicker brush 2-3 times per week and start using a metal comb afterwards to check that you are managing to get right down through the thickness of the coat, all the way to the skin. Each grooming session will likely take you around 20 mins.
3.5 months old

Use a round-ended pair of scissors to carefully trim the hair on both inside corners of their eyes, across the bridge of their nose, and 'thin out' their fringe a little if required. It is important that a clear line of vision is maintained. The sanitary portion (the area underneath the tail) should also be trimmed with the scissors to keep it nice and short. This will help to keep this area clean. Sterilise the scissors in boiling water after use in this area. Repeat this process regularly as and when required.

Arrange for a visit to the groomer. This is NOT for clipping - just to have a brush, a little tidy up/trim around eyes, sanitary portion, paws etc., and perhaps bath. An early and positive experience at the grooming salon will really help for when it is time for them to be clipped.

5 - 6 months old
Grooming sessions should still be taking place 2-3 times per week with the slicker brush and comb. Each grooming session will now likely take you around 30 mins as the coat will be longer and thicker and it will take a little more effort to keep it tangle-free.
7 months old
Time for their first clip! Arrange for a visit to the groomer for a 'teddy bear clip'. This is an all-over clip from the neck backwards, at the consistent length. The legs and tail should be clipped at the same length as the body. The head should be trimmed with scissors to achieve the correct shape. The ears should be trimmed to follow the shape of the ear leather (triangular - like a Labrador), and should be layered. Clippers should never be used forwards to their neck; the muzzle should NOT be shaved!